At Thursday's Cabinet meeting, Premier Chen Chien-jen received briefings from the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Education on the implementation and results of the government's special budget to boost economic and social resilience and share the proceeds of growth in the post-pandemic era. The premier thanked the ministries and agencies for coming together to provide a range of convenient services in the wake of the pandemic, which have touched the public with the government's warmth and care. This includes providing a one-off cash payment for every person to share the fruits of economic growth, and strengthening care for low income and lower-middle income households, disadvantaged students and other vulnerable groups.
Premier Chen added that ministries and agencies, including the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Transportation and Communications and Ministry of Culture, have also been promoting a variety of related measures to upgrade industries and small and medium-sized enterprises, strengthen agricultural resilience, and revitalize domestic tourism and cultural industries. The premier welcomes travelers from all over the world to visit and experience for themselves how Taiwan has emerged from the pandemic more enchanting and resilient than ever.