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Taiwan Chip-based Industrial Innovation Program


In recent years, semiconductors have become the core driver of growth in the global technology industry, while the newly-emerging area of generative artificial intelligence (AI) is shaping up to become the driving force for breakthrough innovations across a wide range of industries in the future. To meet the opportunities and challenges posed by future technological transformations, the Executive Yuan has approved the Taiwan Chip-based Industrial Innovation Program and has earmarked a total of NT$300 billion (US$9.3 billion) for the program's implementation between 2024 and 2033. The program's first phase will last for five years and focus on leveraging Taiwan's leading global position in chip manufacture, packaging and testing to develop innovative new applications through integrating silicon chips with critical technologies such as generative AI. By laying the groundwork today for the tech industry of tomorrow, Taiwan can secure its technological strength over the next 10 years and spur on the pace of breakthrough innovation across multiple industries.

Four main strategies

Integrate generative AI with silicon chips to drive innovation: With people-focused end-user application as the target, harness knowledge from across industry and use this accumulated knowledge together with generative AI to advance the development of various sectors including food, medicine, housing, transportation, education, entertainment and manufacturing. Encourage the use of semiconductor and generative AI technologies by creative and innovative companies, as well as research institutions, to develop a wide range of innovative industrial solutions.

Improve domestic talent cultivation and attract global R&D professionals: Upgrade core academic and research infrastructure, as well as teaching materials, to enable Taiwan to become the world's premier training base for cultivating integrated circuit (IC) design talent. Enhance the recruitment of international talent through collaboration between industry, higher education and research institutes, as well as through overseas talent scouting.

Accelerate adoption of heterogeneous integration and other advanced innovation technologies: Build out a comprehensive IC design toolset ecosystem and achieve autonomy in critical technologies to strengthen the nation's advanced chip design capabilities, as well as accelerate the development of heterogeneous integration designs and interfaces to rapidly progress toward cutting-edge technological breakthroughs in advanced manufacturing processes and IC design.

Harness Taiwan's "silicon island" strengths to attract international startups and investment: Connect international chip startups with capital and channel private-sector investment to expand chip startups' applications; leverage Taiwan's position as the world's most comprehensive semiconductor industrial ecosystem and largest startup chip cluster brand to attract chip startups to Taiwan and make the nation the best choice for international investors.

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