The Executive Yuan has approved a plan to promote Taiwan's Five Trusted Industry Sectors—semiconductors, artificial intelligence (AI), military, security and surveillance, and next-generation communications—as key global growth industries of the future. Focusing on these five sectors will help Taiwan to capitalize on new business opportunities created by shifting geopolitical trends and secure pivotal positions within global supply chains, thereby enhancing national strength. The plan will help to make Taiwan an indispensable and trusted technological partner of democracies around the world, and by advancing innovation-driven industrial development, create high-paying jobs and strengthen national security and resilience.
Policy outline
■ Semiconductors: Continue strengthening R&D capabilities in integrated circuit (IC) design, build a base for advanced semiconductor R&D and pilot mass production, and assist manufacturers in developing advanced manufacturing processes and packaging to secure Taiwan's leading global position; proactively develop semiconductor materials and equipment to make Taiwan a dominant player across all aspects of the global semiconductor supply chain.
■ Artificial intelligence: Transform Taiwan into a global center of excellence for AI by developing high value-added AI applications, as well as by expanding computing power and introducing low energy consumption solutions, such as building a smart energy-saving data center and pursuing international cooperation.
■ Military: Continue to advance the nation's indigenous aircraft and shipbuilding programs, and proactively build a supply chain for drones, to enhance the self-reliance of the defense industry.
■ Security and surveillance: Actively assist the security and surveillance industry to master future-oriented data security technologies and develop trusted products and solutions, guiding their integration into core industries such as semiconductors and defense, to strengthen industrial data security resilience and turn Taiwan into a leading power for trusted security and surveillance.
■ Next-generation communications: Deploy key sovereign technologies required for the development of 6G, integrate terrestrial and satellite communication networks, and develop a variety of applied fields and solutions to strengthen the resilience of Taiwan's wide area communication networks.