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Preventing child and juvenile delinquency


To address changing patterns in delinquent behavior and crime among children and adolescents, and to protect them from peer, financial or family pressures that could lead them into crime or conflict with the law, the government has approved an updated plan to prevent child and juvenile delinquency (2025-2028). The plan integrates resources from across the country's child and juvenile protection systems to implement a three-tier prevention strategy, enhancing career counseling, health care and other support services to improve the circumstances of youngsters at the root level. Special emphasis is placed on helping disadvantaged youths overcome unfavorable conditions and intervening to support those who may be inadvertently caught in the justice system, ultimately fostering an environment for the safe development of all children and adolescents.

Three-tier prevention strategy

Primary prevention: For all children and juveniles, strengthen awareness and education to ensure they understand legal responsibility and reject criminal influences.

Secondary prevention: For children and juveniles displaying wayward behaviors or tendencies, offer enhanced counseling, guidance resources or family support to avoid an escalation into criminal activities.

Tertiary prevention: For juveniles who have broken the law, employ protective measures and correctional institutions, providing intensive counseling to minimize harm and prevent repeat offenses, and coordinating relevant resources to assist their healthy reintegration into society.

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